Format | Hardcover |
Market Abuse and Insider Dealing
$313.16 Save:$68.00(18%)
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Print length: | 496 pages |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Bloomsbury Professional |
Publication date: | 29 December 2022 |
Dimensions: | 16.51 x 3.56 x 25.53 cm |
ISBN-10: | 1526509105 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1526509109 |
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Market Abuse and Insider Dealing provides a comprehensive exposition of the law of insider dealing and market abuse, including analysis of the interplay between UK Criminal law and Administrative law regulation of abusive behaviour in the UK financial markets. Market abuse and insider dealing remains and always has been a real concern for all those that operate in the financial sector. Some of the earliest laws relating to trade outlaw attempts to artificially interfere with the proper functions of the markets and ensure fairness. With recent changes to both the UK and European regimes the line between what is normal (and sensible) business practice and what may now be classified as market abuse is becoming increasingly fine. This raises questions about communications between financial institutions and investors, and about corporate and analyst access. Market Abuse and Insider Dealing provides guidance on and explanation of the range of potential legal and regulatory responses to this complex area of law. Providing a thorough analysis and assessment of the law relating to market abuse and insider dealing, the new fourth edition includes- – analysis of the impact of Brexit – significant new case law and legislation including MiFID II; Money Laundering Regulations 2017; the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017; Criminal Finances Act 2017 with Unexplained Wealth Orders; The Fifth Money Laundering Directive – the new Corporate Governance Code – new content on- control and senior managers’ responsibility/liability; the FCAs competition law jurisdiction where it is appropriate to do so in relation to market abuse; a new table of UK decided market abuse cases | ASIN : 1526509105 | ISBN13 : 9781526509109.0 | ISBN-13 : 978-1526509109
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